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Guest Lecture on Reality Show Production

Time: 2021-03-03 10:00:00
HCAS, Chennai
Guest Lecture on Reality Show Production

Guest Lecture on Reality Show Production

Hindustan College of Arts and science Department of Media Studies organizes a guest lecture on Reality TV show production. Mr. Mo. Ramachandran, Asst Vice President of Vijay TV was the Chief Guest. The Principal Dr. S. Thirumagan HOD of Electronic Media Dr K Ebiraj Dean of media studies Dr. S. Ilanjiam HODs of media departments students of English as well as Media Studies and others participated in this guest lecture.

Ms. Ishwariya Laxmi Asst. Prof. of Electronic Media welcomed the Chief Guest Mr. Ramachandran Principal Dr Thirumagan Dean Dr. S. Illanjiam, Dr. K. Ebiraj, HOD Electronic Media and students to the event saying Mr. Ramachandran is busy personality

In his felicitation address Dr Thirumagan said he is really happy to be here and the Chief Guest is dynamic personality and in spite of his busy schedule he came He said students are future media persons and should ask questions to him He said he is not thrilled by students asking instant questions but fascinated by those who ask relevant questions in the end. He appreciated the Tamil spoken anchor who welcomed him who showed talent.

Dr. Thirumagan said the chief Guest is here because of his 20 years of hard work and dedication Media people give happiness to others in form of entertainment and even a doctor can't give. The jobs of media people are to entertain and it is through their products, says he.

This field will give opportunity and those who are passionate will shine he says.  Students should look at college experience as pole vault that is you use a stick to reach a place in ground some way.  

He praised the VC of Madras University Dr. Gowri who is also a media person who came to college to deliver graduation address Dr. Gowri said how Bahubali movie was made with all natural wonders in a remote location in Cuddapah, AP.

He spoke good of Mr. Ramachandran for Neeya Nana talk show and others and praised his dedication. He spoke of media sciences way of education compared to science students also and media people are happier.

Dr. Thirumagan says of TRP ratings in TV industry and two comedy channels are in forefront than any others. Time is what and you should concentrate in studies to students.

He asks students to learn from mistakes and correct it and praised those asked questions in end.

He praised Dr Ebiraj for bringing wonderful guest and says on originality and spoke on reality format on contemporary TV and thanked all as he ended.

Dr. Ebiraj introduced Chief Guest who started in Vijay TV in 1999 and rose to present post doing good work He fired two interns who spoke ill of channel and Dr. K. Ebiraj was taken in as intern and asked students to ask questions at the end of Ramachandran's speech and thanked all.

Mr. Mo Ramachandran started his speech welcoming all and said 4 bad things in life as being a. Opting Out b. Wrong Judgment c. Guided Mastery and d. Self Efficacy.

He was taught to touch tiger and to give away that fear in this industry by a Director.

He spoke of documentary and docu soaps on Vijay TV and had run Big Boss for 52 weeks you have to have curiosity and aim to be within budget and spoke of
Kathaiala Nijam and others and spoke on ratings exhorting students to work hard as he ended.

He was presented a memento earlier and vote of thanks was proposed by Miss Krupa Asst. Prof. EM department.

This lecture attracted wider participation in Q & A session.

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